
Conventional Dental Implants vs. Mini Dental Implants: Which Is Right for You?

When you suffer from tooth loss or need a tooth removed, a dental implant is one solution to restore your smile and bite to a regular status. The versatility of dental implants means you can get them for a single missing tooth, for a bridge, or to secure a whole set of dentures to multiple implants. The result is a happy, healthy smile whether you replace one tooth or multiple teeth.

How to Choose Your Dental Implant

When getting a dental implant, you’ll have options. Traditional dental implants require a strong, thick bone to anchor into. Mini dental implants require less bone width, take less time to place, and can be more budget-friendly than the conventional type. So, how do you know which type is right for you? You should always consult with your dentists about your options, but here are a few factors to consider. 

Bone Health

Your bone health is the main factor in whether a conventional dental implant will work for you. You’ll need a healthy bone for the implant to anchor in, heal, and hold the restoration. Anyone who has experienced bone loss due to any condition may be a better candidate for mini dental implants. 

Duration of Treatment

Conventional dental implants require a series of visits to measure and place the implant, allowing your mouth to heal before adding the final crown restoration. This lengthy process ensures the implant heals and fuses to the jawbone properly and securely. 

Mini dental implants take less time to insert and require less healing time, which most of the time means you could leave our dental office with your mini dental implant in place with your new tooth, bridge, or dentures secured within one visit. 

Overall Health

Both traditional and mini implants require good general health. If you have gum disease, severe bone loss, are a smoker, diabetic, or have other health conditions, it’s best to discuss your options with your dentist. At 904 Dental Care, we’re experts in dental implants and can help you find the right solution for your oral health. Both types of implants require excellent oral hygiene to support proper healing after the procedure. 


Because mini implants require less time to install and don’t require surgery, they are a great option for those with a limited budget. Mini dental implants are also highly successful, making them a worthy alternative. Avoiding dental implant surgery can save you money and stress. 

Dental Implants in Jacksonville

When you need tooth replacement, an implant procedure may be the best option to restore your smile and replace your natural teeth. Book your free implant consultation at 904 Dental Care, and we will create a custom treatment plan based on your needs. We use the latest 3D dental technology and extensive experience to provide quality care to our Jacksonville patients.