
When Is the Optimal Time to Start Orthodontics?

A beautiful smile not only enhances your appearance but also plays a crucial role in your overall oral health. Orthodontic treatment, such as braces or aligners, can help fix crooked teeth and other bite or alignment issues to create a healthy, confident smile. 

While most children typically start wearing braces in their teenage years, your dentist may recommend orthodontics for children as young as seven. Your orthodontist will advise you when early treatment is necessary. 

Early Orthodontic Treatment Options: Ages 7-10

While many associate braces with teenagers, early orthodontic intervention for children between seven and ten can provide significant benefits. Even if your child does not have all their adult teeth or secondary teeth yet, x-rays and digital imaging can show how those teeth are developing. Some common concerns that can be addressed during this stage include narrow jaws, underbites, excessive spacing between teeth, or teeth sticking out. By addressing these problems early on, the orthodontist can guide the growth of the jaw and facial bones to create sufficient space for the permanent when they erupt. 

Tween and Teenage Years: Ages 10 and onwards

The Tween and Teenage years are the most common age for orthodontic treatment. By this stage, most of the permanent teeth have erupted, making it easier to assess the overall alignment and make appropriate corrections. There are various treatment options available for tweens and teenagers, including traditional braces and clear plastic aligners. 

Treatment Options for Orthodontics

There are several orthodontic treatment options, depending on your alignment needs and your orthodontic budget. 

Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces have been used for many years and are highly effective in correcting most orthodontic issues. They consist of metal brackets attached to the teeth and are connected by wires. These wires are periodically adjusted and will gradually move the teeth to the desired position. Despite their visible appearance, metal braces are very popular because they are smaller and less bulky than clear ceramic braces. They are also shinny and enhance the smile together with the color ties.

Clear Ceramic Braces

Made of a translucent ceramic material that blends with the natural color of the teeth, they work in the same way as traditional metal braces but are designed to be less noticeable on your teeth. They are generally not as strong as metal braces. They may chip or crack if not properly cared for. In addition, they tend to be more expensive than traditional metal braces because of the material and the technology involved.

Clear Plastic Aligners

Clear plastic aligners, such as Invisalign, have revolutionized the field of orthodontics by providing a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign has gained popularity due to its virtually invisible braces and removable nature, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of orthodontic treatment without the aesthetic and maintenance concerns associated with metal braces. 

uLab Clear Aligners

While Invisalign has been the well-known manufacturer of clear aligners for many years, there are other strong, well-known companies, such as uLab  Systems. The clear aligners by uLab Systems offer a comparable alternative to Invisalign, providing similar benefits and treatment outcomes. uLab aligners utilize advanced technology to streamline dental movements. This results in shorter treatment times and fewer office visits for patients, making uLab a convenient and time-efficient option. 

Learn More at 904 Dental Care: Orthodontist in Jacksonville

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment and want to learn more about treatment options, visit 904 Dental Care, your trusted orthodontist in Jacksonville. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality orthodontic care and helping you achieve a healthy, confident smile. 

Book with us online today and take the first steps towards a straighter and more confident smile.