
What Is TMJ and What Can You Do About It?

Have you ever experienced pain in your jaw, clicking sounds when you chew, or even headaches that seem to start around your temples? These could be signs of a condition known as TMJ. At 904 Dental Care, we often get questions about TMJ, what it is, and how it can be treated. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you understand TMJ and what you can do if you’re experiencing symptoms.

What Is the TMJ?

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, the hinge-like joint connecting your lower jaw to your skull. This joint allows you to open and close your mouth, chew, speak, and perform many other essential functions. An issue with this joint or the muscles around it can lead to a disorder often referred to as TMJ-D (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder).

What Are Some Signs and Symptoms of TMJ-D?

TMJ disorders can manifest in a variety of ways. Some common symptoms include:

  • Jaw Pain: The most common sign is pain in the jaw joint or muscles around it, especially when chewing or talking.
  • Ear Pain or Ringing: Since the jaw joint is close to the ear, pain or a ringing sensation in the ear can be a symptom.
  • Clicking or Popping Sounds: You might hear or feel clicking or popping sounds when you open or close your mouth.
  • Difficulty Moving the Jaw: When you try to open or close your mouth, your jaw might feel stuck or locked up sometimes.
  • Headaches: Frequent headaches, particularly around the temples, are often linked to TMJ-D.

What Causes TMJ Disorders?

TMJ disorder can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Jaw Injury: Injuries to the jaw, head, or neck can lead to TMJ issues.
  • Teeth Grinding or Clenching: People who grind or clench their teeth, especially at night, put extra pressure on the jaw joint, which can cause TMJ problems.
  • Arthritis: Arthritis in the jaw joint can lead to TMJ disorder.
  • Stress: Stress can cause you to tighten your facial and jaw muscles, which can lead to TMJ pain.
  • Misaligned Bite: Some scientists believe that teeth not fitting together correctly can strain the jaw joint and lead to TMJ issues.

What Should You Do If You Think You Have TMJ-D?

Recognizing and addressing the symptoms of TMJ-D early is crucial. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, don’t delay. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Consult a Dentist: The first step is to visit a dentist who can evaluate your symptoms and determine the possible cause. At 904 Dental Care, our experienced team can conduct a thorough examination and discuss your symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis. Treatments like orthodontics or teeth reshaping may be necessary if your issue is related to teeth or bite misalignment.
  2. Practice Good Posture. Good posture, especially when sitting or using a computer, can help reduce strain on your jaw.
  3. Avoid Hard or Chewy Foods: Stick to soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing. Avoid things like gum, tough meats, and crunchy snacks that strain your jaw.
  4. Mouthguards: If you grind your teeth at night, a mouthguard can help protect your teeth and reduce pressure on the jaw joint. Your dentist can help you get a custom-fit mouthguard.
  5. Relaxation and Stress Management: Be mindful of how often you clench your jaw or grind your teeth. Relax your jaw muscles by keeping your teeth slightly apart and your tongue resting on the roof of your mouth. Since stress can worsen TMJ symptoms, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help.

When to Seek Professional Help

While some TMJ-D symptoms may resolve on their own, it’s important to seek professional help if:

  • The pain is severe or persistent.
  • You experience difficulty opening or closing your mouth.
  • Your symptoms are affecting your quality of life.

At 904 Dental Care, we’re here to help you find relief. Whether through lifestyle adjustments, medical intervention, or specialized dental treatments, we’ll work with you to create a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs.


TMJ-D is a condition that can significantly affect your quality of life. But with the right approach, it’s manageable. If you suspect you have TMJ-D, don’t hesitate to contact 904 Dental Care. Our team is dedicated to helping you find the relief you need and getting you back to your daily routine. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward better oral health and comfort.