
5 Tips Before Bringing Your Children to the Dentist

Bringing your child to the dentist can be challenging for both of you. However, with the right approach, pediatric dental visits can become smooth, stress-free, and enjoyable. Here are some valuable tips to make your child’s dental appointment a positive experience:

1. First Dental Check-up

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit the dentist when the first tooth appears and not later than their first birthday. Early visits help prevent dental issues, familiarize your child with the dental environment, and establish a foundation for good oral health.

2. Best Appointment Time

Choose a time for the appointment when your child is well-rested and not hungry. Morning appointments are often best, as young children are usually more cooperative and alert earlier in the day.

3. Getting Ready for the Visit

  • Role-Playing: Prepare your child by role-playing a dental visit at home. Take turns being the dentist and the patient, and use a toothbrush to “examine” each other’s teeth. This helps ease the experience and make it more familiar.
  • Positive Talk: Talk to your child about the dentist in a positive and reassuring manner. Avoid using words that might scare them, such as “pain,” “shot,” or “drill.” Instead, explain that the dentist will help keep their teeth healthy and strong. 
  • Books and Videos: Read books and watch videos that depict positive dental visits. These resources can help your child understand what to expect and reduce any anxiety they might have.
  • Honest Answers: If your child asks questions about the dentist, answer honestly but in a way that won’t create fear. For example, you can explain that the dentist will use special tools to check and clean their teeth to keep them healthy.

4. During the Visit

  • Bring a Preferred Toy: Allow your child to bring a favorite toy, blanket, or stuffed animal to the appointment. A familiar item can provide comfort and help them feel more secure in an unfamiliar environment.
  • Stay Calm and Supportive: Children can pick up on their parents’ anxiety, so try to remain calm and positive. Offer reassurance and praise throughout the visit, and stay by your child’s side to provide comfort and support.
  • Share the routine: Tell the dentist about your kid’s food habits and let us know if there are any habits, such as thumbsucking or using a pacifier.

5. After the Visit

  • Offer a Reward: Plan a small, non-food-related reward after the visit, such as a park trip or an extra bedtime story. This can give your child something to look forward to and reinforce the idea that dental visits are a positive experience.
  • Follow-Up: If any treatment is needed, follow up with the dentist and plan the next check-up visit in 6 months.


At 904 Dental Care, we strive to make every dental visit a pleasant and stress-free experience for children and their parents. Following these tips can help ensure your child’s dental visits are positive, setting the stage for a lifetime of good oral health.

Book Your Child’s Appointment Today

Ready to schedule your child’s next dental appointment? Contact us at 904 Dental Care to book a visit. Our friendly team is here to provide exceptional care and make your child’s dental experience as comfortable as possible.